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Dear Westminster Public School Community,
Now that Labor Day has come and gone, the 2024 election season will kick into high gear and if you are like me, you will probably feel a bit overwhelmed by all the information coming at you, almost nonstop.
There is one ballot question that I hope you will pay special attention to and support in November because it is good for our community and our children. I have always believed that a community is only as strong as its schools and an investment in education is a wise use of taxpayer dollars. I think this proposal is an easy one to embrace because it will raise up to $111 million without imposing any new tax.
It almost sounds too good to be true.
This is how this important step can be accomplished. District voters last approved a bond measure in 2006 and it will be fully paid off in 2026. This new bond, if approved, would simply extend the existing tax at the same rate and allow us to invest in exciting innovations while also meeting the needs of maintenance, safety, and security.
We have been very transparent about the process. During the spring and summer, we reached out to residents across the district to explain our thinking. We sent out text message and emails to parents, guardians and voters, even those who do not have children in our schools.

In addition, we created an interactive website called Destination WPS and encouraged people to reach out with questions and comments. In the end, close to 80 percent of people who examined the issue closely said they supported the ballot proposal.

One of the most exciting outcomes of a successful election would be the expansion of Iver C. Ranum An Innovation Campus which opened in August. Phase one of the campus supports pathways in Aviation Engineering, Biotechnology, and Cyber Technology

This edition of What’s Up WPS has a story detailing our September 25th ribbon cutting and an updated video about what is happening on the campus.

The website I mentioned earlier remains active and includes a section where you can directly ask questions of me, my staff, and members of the Board of Education.

This is a critically important topic for the future of WPS and I appreciate your interest.

Warm regards,


Dr. Jeni Gotto

Superintendent of Schools

Westminster Public Schools